Saturday, November 14, 2009

Family Meal Fried Eh?

It was once again Friday and this time our talented chef was not working, so we were able to assemble the cast and crew of Family Meal Fridays. The menu featured fried rice and stir fry as prepared by Beth, as well as multiple sake-based beverages such as sake bombs and sake margaritas. The night however quickly took a turn for college as we found ourselves circling a six foot folding table playing flip cup.

Further proof that we were back in college days came when our hiatus from flip cup was filled with a power hour DVD of epic pro wrestling clips (although there were no clips of Captain Insano which really grinds my gears).

The crew that we had assembled that night was ideal in both size and roster. Brent even brought the hockey fans (Canadians) who were lovely as always. He also introduced a new version of flip cup where before the first two pair off, someone asks an 'or' question and they can't start drinking until they answer. For example: TOP or BOTTOM. BOXERS or BRIEFS. CARROT TOP or PAULY SHORE (I think the category for that one must have been which one would drive you to kill yourself first if you were stuck in a room with them. I pick Pauly Shore).

We then all made our way down to Yacht Haven to Fat Turtle because Jared and Greg had to work and we wanted them to be able to get in on the fun. If you go to the dictionary and look up "cut a rug", you will notice a reference stating "please see: Tim and DC at Fat Turtle on 11/13/09". It was a good thing it was Friday the 13th, because that was the only excuse we could provide for the mind blowing display of talent. The only pitfall of the night was a failed promise to get Michael Jackson's "Dirty Diana" on because DC has every move memorized.

After we finished the spectacle at Fat Turtle we get back home and had an acoustic sing-along on the balcony until 5am. I guess I was rocking out a little too hard because I started breaking strings.

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